Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Project 3 - Garllery

Narrative -
A optimistic young arstist escape from his family in search for his life and freedom.

Type of Art Work - Pop art

The Site

The site was sitting at the corner of King st and the Erskineville road. The reaosn that I decieded to chose this site because of its located in the heart of the street. The corner site has connected with many side street. Also , the "corner" site has given people more intersting & unpredictable feel, because you never know what is going to happen around the corner.

The Parti-

The Parti for the Gallery / building is intend to creat the connection/ interaction form the building itself to the public, is the space not only created for the people who are in the builing but more invite the public come into the space.

Floor Plan




Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Project 2 - Room and Narrative

The Milkmaid (1658) is one of Vermeer’s
early works that portrays a young maid
pouring milk into a bowl. It is the simplicity
of this scene that captivates the viewer.
Bread and a wicker basket cover the table
in front of the girl. Two copper and wicker
baskets and a small frame are the only
objects hanging from the whitewashed walls.
In the lower right corner there is a 17th
century foot warmer set against the tiled
back wall. This setting brings a calm,
tranquil mood to the painting.

Poche - Plan

Poche - Section